This DVD sold out a long time ago, but the content is now available for free on YouTube!
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Everything you always wanted to know about Modern Jive, but
were afraid to ask, taught by champion dancers John & Karen Sweeney.
This is the one that teaches you the techniques you need to help you
perfect the moves on all the other Videos!
The video also includes exercises to help you to perfect the techniques
and great moves to practice them with - some of them are unusual
moves that you won’t find anywhere else. Plus hints and tips on
how to overcome common faults.
Spinning is covered in detail, not just the basics but multiple spins
and travelling spins as well.
There are four drops taught in the video, and the technique you learn
here will help you as you expand your repertoire so that you can do all
your drops effectively and safely.
Once you have mastered the basic techniques you can work through
the sections on smooth footwork, smooth moves, and smooth lead &
follow to perfect your Modern Jive.
John and Karen Sweeney are freelance Modern Jive teachers, running
workshops for countless organisations across the UK, Australia, New
Zealand and America. Their successes include multiple Double Trouble
championships, Aerials medals and being Jive Masters finalists.
John’s clear and detailed teaching means that you can benefit from
nearly two hours of excellent personal tuition