Videos from Ceroc Australia

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The Ceroc Australia Dance Company

Learn to partner dance with the Ceroc Australian Dance Company.

Dancing with style.

The teachers on the videos are all Australian Champions in their own right and include ex-UK Advanced Champion and indeed Advanced champion in BOTH hemispheres, Simon de Lisle.

Note: Many moves have different names in the UK and Australia

Ceroc Australia's Beginner Moves
39 Moves

Learn to Ceroc with Australian champions Mark & Simone Harding.

Catering for those who have never been to a dance class or who have only had a few lessons, this video will show you the basics and give you the confidence to take your dancing onto the dance-floor.

39 Fabulous Moves to Take You to the Next Level
- PLUS Tips!

Ceroc is a fusion of many styles of dance including Latin, Salsa, Jive and others. Fun and easy to learn, Ceroc is best described as a "free-form partner dance" which has eliminated or simplified much of the complex footwork of partner dance.

By learning Ceroc you will be able to dance in nightclubs, at parties or wherever music is playing, as it can be performed to all popular modern music, e.g. chart hits, blues, swing, techno and most Latin music.

Routine 1: Man Break-through; First Move; Aerial Yo-Yo; Lady Spin
Routine 2: Underarm Walk-through American Spin; Throwaway; First Move Man Turn
Routine 3: Neck Break; Return & Comb; Windmill; First Move Flick Spin
Routine 4: Kiwi Comb; Clever x 2 Yo-Yo Exit; First Move Lunge
Routine 5: Push Pulls Push Spin; Octopus; Swizzle Stick
Routine 6: Pretzel; Back Pass; Conan; Left to Right Hand Pass
Routine 7: Figure 8; Hip-Spin Return; Wurlitzer; First Move Stop Spin
Routine 8: CJ; Return Comb; Accordian; Accordian Spin; Accordian & Spin Linked
Routine 9: First Move Check; Harding Pull-through; Neck Break-through; I-turn U-Turn
Routine 10: First Move Hook; Blind Break-through; wellington Return; Man Break-through; Sway

Tips Section

  • Lead & Follow
  • Dancing on the Beat
  • Communicate with Tension
  • Spinning
  • Freestyle
Ceroc Australia's Hot Moves 1
32 Moves

Designed for the dancer wanting to step up to the next level, you will be able to impress your friends with the style and techniques taught on the video. As with many other Ceroc moves, you can dance these routines to most popular modern music, e.g. Chart hits, blues, swing and some Latin music.

The moves on this video have been designed by some of Ceroc Australia's most experienced teachers and choreographers, who, by showing you the correct techniques, make the moves easier to learn and to perform.

Ceroc is an evolving dance form with new moves constantly being devised. After many years of dance experience Mark & Simone Harding have developed numerous Ceroc routines. This video will show you 8 really fun challenging routines, combining some of Mark & Simone's favourite moves. These stylish and smooth moves will bring another dimension to your dancing.

Moves in this video:

  • Routine 1: Back Hander; Return Comb Duck Under; Basket Veil; Keyhole
  • Routine 2: Boomerang; Aerial Yoyo Hip to Hip Spin; First Move Figure of Eight; Man Spin Return
  • Routine 3: Slingshot; Half Nelson; Half Neckbreak (x2); Man Spin Hand Pass
  • Routine 4: Shoulder Spin; Winder Man Spin; Catapull; Manhattan BJ Lean
  • Routine 5: First Move Quick Reverse Checks; Man Guitar Lady Guitar; Winder Dip; Double Comb
  • Routine 6: First Move Lady variation into Figure Eight Hip Rolls; Octopus Octo Man Turn; Accordian Hip Sway
  • Routine 7: Springer Ronde Wrap Veil; Veil into Lady CJs; Neckbreak Spin; Back Pass
  • Routine 8: First Move Sweep; Ballroom Turns (x2); Shoulder Roll; Backhander Pose
Ceroc Australia's Close Moves & Dips 1 Video
20 Moves

Ceroc dancing is extremely versatile and you can take it in many directions. Including Close Moves into your repertoire can broaden your style and enable you to dance with sensitivity to the slower music available. By watching this video you will enhance your style and learn the closer, more intimate moves at your own pace. Your audience will be impressed and you may even take their breath away!

The moves on this video have been designed to give you the confidence to perform close moves and dips by learning the correct techniques. This will assist in your general dancing.

As with all Ceroc moves you can dance these moves to all popular modern music, e.g. chart hits, blues, swing, techno and most Latin music.

20 Great Close Moves & Dips!

Moves in this video:
  • Routine 1: First Move Safe Dip; First Move Dip; First Move Deep Dip; One Arm Dip
  • Routine 2: Lady Drop Kick; Ballroom Drop; Glen's Ballroom Drop; Tango Drop
  • Routine 3: Nose Dive; Roll in Dip; Seducer; Double Handed Seducer
  • Routine 4: First Move Sweep; Winder Snake; Eskimo; The Grape
  • Routine 5: Hagan's Grind; Garbo; Body Roll; Roll in Sweep
Ceroc Australia's Close Moves & Dips 2 Video
27 Moves

This video contains 27 of the slickest, closest and most sensual moves within 7 routines, moves where you should really be asking your partner's permission before executing them to their fullest extent!

Ceroc dancing is extremely versatile and you can take it in many different directions. Including Close Moves in your repertoire can broaden your style and enable you to dance with sensitivity to the slower music available. By watching this video you will enhance your style and learn the closer, more intimate moves, at your own pace. Your audience will be impressed and you may even take their breathe away!

The moves on this video have been designed by some of Ceroc Australia's most experienced teachers and choreographers, who, by showing you the correct techniques, make the moves easier to learn and to perform.

Video coming when I get time to do it!

As with all Ceroc moves you can dance these moves to all popular modern music, e.g. chart hits, blues, swing, techno and most Latin music.

27 Great Close Moves & Dips!

Moves in this video:

  • Routine 1: First Move Close Dip; Walk in Seducer; First Move Sweep
  • Routine 2: Winder Snake; Reverse Winder Snake; Ginger Drop; Ballroom Turns
  • Routine 3: Grape, Dip; Roll in Grape; Roll in Sweep; Latin Walks; BJ Lean
  • Routine 4: Eskimo; Eskimo Rotating; Kissing Break; Sway Lean
  • Routine 5: Man Spoon; Lady Spoon; Hip Rolls
  • Routine 6: Weeping Lunge; Sweep; Underarm Walkthrough & Sit; Samba Roll; Circular Times Body Rolls; Swan Drop
  • Routine 7: Freeds Figure of Eight; Brisbane Lean; First Move Argentine
Ceroc Australia's Advanced Moves & Dips 1 Video
35 Moves

The Ceroc Australia Dance Company has produced this great video to help you improve your repertoire.

This video contains over 30 challenging moves included within 8 routines taught by a selection of Ceroc Australia's most senior teachers!

Ceroc has become part of your life and, now, you want to move on to the next level.

The moves on this video have been designed by some of Ceroc Australia's most experienced teachers and choreographers, who, by showing you the correct techniques, make the moves easier to learn and to perform.

Video coming when I get time to do it!

As with all Ceroc moves you can dance these moves to all popular modern music, e.g. chart hits, blues, swing, techno and most Latin music.

35 Great Advanced Moves & Dips!

Moves in this video:

  • Routine 1: Walking Springer; Duck Under Return; Knee High Swivel Lean; Triple Boomerang
  • Routine 2: Argentine Twist Dip; Tango Take Off; Cuban Kiss
  • Routine 3: Latin CJ; Comb Body Rolls; Ceroc Pirouette into Safe Dip
  • Routine 4: First Move Latin Turnout; Conan...Swing Dip; Triple L
  • Routine 5: Pivot Quick Turns; Clint's Wave; Overturn Swivel; S & C Take Out
  • Routine 6: Basket Shoulder Pop Pretzel; Copper Head Road; Man Breakthrough Return; Figure of Eight Garrotte
  • Routine 7: First Move Rotating Backhander; Stomp Off; First Move Duck Under; American Spin; First Move Duck Under Pop Up; Conan One Arm Dip
  • Routine 8: Aerial Yo Yo 360; Hip Spin Exit; Return Right To Left Hand Pass; Salsa Twist; Reverse Wrapper; Flip Flop Fly Roll In Drop